Can you believe that the son of J.D. Salinger is Matt Salinger, who played Captain America in a really terrible direct-to-video movie in the early ‘90s?

Wouldn’t it have been nice if Matt Salinger was the recluse who never showed his art to anyone, and J.D. was the one who was up in everyone’s face with Catcher and Glass family sequels?
But no, there’s an old saying: if you have a father and son who are both in the entertainment industry, the one who doesn’t dress in spandex will be both brilliant and agoraphobic.
Although, I must say, I don’t think of J.D. Salinger as dead. I think of him as just slightly more reclusive than before.
On the same day that J.D. died, so did the tiny psychic woman from the old Poltergeist movie. I hear she’s going to be on TV later to talk about it.
Speaking of celebrities, did you know that Evangeline Lily, star of Lost, got her start doing party line commercials?
I post this because everyone used to laugh at me when I called those things, saying I was wasting my time. Well, this proves that I wasn’t. I was talking to future television stars.
I do wish I had asked her why she bothered to put on all that makeup just to talk on the phone, though.